Add Events In Google Calendar

You can use your Omnibox to access Google Calendar's 'quick add' function. simply follow these steps:

 1. Go to 'Settings->Search->Manage Search Engines'
 2. Scroll down to the fields labeled 'Add a new Search Engine'
 3. In the first field, type in 'Google Calendar'
 4. In the Keyword field, type in 'Calendar'
 5. In the third field, copy and paste this URL:
 6. Click 'Done'

Now type 'Calendar' into the Omnibox and hit Enter, and you should get a solid tab box that says 'Search Google Calendar'. Use plain sentence-style English to describe a future event with all the whats, wheres, and whens. Google is fairly adept at wringing out the details and translating it into a Calendar event.